martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Resultado de imagen para maxilofacial especialidadWhat I would like to do in my specialty would be Maxillofacial surgery, it is one of the specialties that most attracts my attention, the reasons why it matters is because it is related to the more specific medicine with surgery,  I liked it since I was little The surgery and also if it is related to odontology  better, , another reason is that last semester I failed the anatomy branch and now I am currently studying it and I have realized how much I like it and it is also related to Maxillofacial surgery.
Regarding where I would like to study the ideal would be outside of Chile, for example in the United States or London in which there are some of the 10 best dental universities in the world, the other option it would be in Chile at the Universidad de Chile or Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile that are currently the best in Chile in relation to odontology.
The way I would like to study in relation to time would be something like part-time to pay for the specialty I will need money, then I would have to work and study at the same time. And so with part-time I would have time to do the 2 things.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

The teacher who has inspired me is called Natalia Segovia my dear biology teacher I met her in 2016 when I was in second grade in high school, She was short, wore a lens and was Chilean, and also very affectionate and charismatic with her students , in that year an accident occurred in which I lost dental pieces, when that happened I had a tremendous shame of I went to high school and she was one of the teachers who supported me from minute 1, she told me that when she was 15 something very similar happened to her and she understood how she controlled me.

  This teacher gave me all her support and I talked with my classmates about what had happened, those who supported me, after that I told the teacher that I expected to study dentistry since with the accident I investigated the career and I liked it a lot, She talked to him about university life and I introduced a former student of her who studied dentistry.  I think that without this teacher I would not have been so determined to study dentistry and I will never forget that, I will be grateful to her always

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

a country I'd like to visit

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Resultado de imagen para harry potter tour london
I've traveled outside the country just once: I went to Argentina to a handball championship, but my dream is to visit a specific European country :England. well I do a lot of sport and I currently practice handball, but my favorite sport has always been football  and my favorite team is manchester city which is from England, well, I know almost nothing about this country, just what I have seen online, as I said before I am a football fan and I would like to visit most football stadiums starting from  The one in Manchester City, also the one in Liverpool, I would also like to take a tour of the Harry Potter movie setting, although I am not very fond of this film.Since it is an English-speaking country I would also like to improve my English as I feel it would be a bery good opportunity to learn.  I'd love to live in this country since I find that the quality of life is much better compared to Chile, which is where I currently live.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Evaluation of Your Blogging Experience

Hello everyone, in my opinion it was difficult at the beginning since I did not have a great vocabulary of English but in general I liked it a lot because it helped me to remember things I had forgotten, such as my favorite picture or because I went to study dentistry and not an engineer. In aspect and more academic this type of activity helped me a lot to expand my vocabulary since it constantly makes me look for words that I had no idea how to write, apart it made me want to expand my vocabulary which I was not important to me and all that helped me to improve my skills to write and write in English.  I would like to write in the future about more topics that one wants to choose but related to the career. What I would have liked to write about the experiences that have happened in the career not only in the academic field but also in the sports field since I participate in handball in the faculty of chemistry and I have spent Anecdotes that I would have liked to have in blogs. :) 

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domingo, 30 de junio de 2019


Hello everyone, today i'm going to tell you about one of my favorite videogames, which is FIFA 19. This videogame has different modalities, but my favourite modalities definitely are FIFA ultimate team, which is about customizing your own team, as you gain coins by playing matches. With these coins you're able to buy players to upgrade your team. The other modalities are quick matches with real life football clubs, they could be either national teams or international ones, you can challenge your friends or you can either play with online gamers. I play this videogame a lot with my chilhood pals: we always hang out for special ocations, whether its someones birthday or an important football match. We like to play quick online matches and we make bets on who's winning, and the loser has to take a challenge. I really like this videogame because i can play tons of different games just in one, and you also spend a really good time playing it with your friends, plus, you don't need to be hanging out with them, you can just connect online. But the real reason this videogame is my favourite, is because its about football, which is my favourite sport. I recommend this game to anyone that is into football, or just wants to hang out with his friends.

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lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject You Enjoyed Studying This Semester

My favourite subject so far is physics. This course is basically an introduction to second term physics, which is more related to dentistry. This semester we've studied different physical concepts, such as force, electricity and movement. I really like this course because it’s easier than other subjects, since my last two years in high school i was in an all-physics course.  My study plan for this course consists in recording the lesson while i take important notes, then; at home I listen the recordings and do the exercises assigned by the teacher. Luckily, i am not failing this course. My marks have been really good this semester: i've had marks over 5.5, which is really great because i don't have to take a final exam. Hopefully, i will keep achieving good marks until the end of the semester.
Resultado de imagen para physicsIt’s very interesting how much physics is related to dentistry: it can help us measure the force
 We apply to teeth, which avoid possible damage we could cause, the electric charges that we may use in different treatments, and so on.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

A Carrer-Related Website or An Expert in Your Field

This website is called Scielo, it is responsible for providing scientific papers for all people interested in them, because it is an open page to everyone that wants to access information. Apart from this, the site is in Spanish and it is useful for people that do not know much about English or the other languages.

I visit this website  frequently since lately I am working on a research project for Biological Bases (ABP), which deals with cystic fibrosis. This website facilities the search for information and  there is too much information on the internet, but not all from reliable sources.  On the other hand, in Scielo, I only search for the 
subject and a lot of papers and reliable sources appear.  One of the things I like about this page is that apart from being a reliable source, it covers almost all the topic you want to look for. I have recommended this site  to many people and not only of the university, but family as well.


lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place in Chile


My favourite place is located in Chile, specifically in Rancagua. This place is called Teno. My grandma lives there and its the place where i lived for the first five years of my life.

Nowadays i visit this place evry month, but lately, at has been hard for me to go since i started college and i have a lot of tasks and tests. However, every time i go horse riding and i take my bike up to the hill. I recently turned 18, and i went partying with my cousins. We visited Curicó, another city, located just 10 minutes away from Teno. I visit Teno with my family, consisting of  my father, my mother and my sister.. Most of the time, i go to Teno for Festive Holidays, often for New Years eve. It's a very special gathering because my whole family reunites, that includes my cousins, my uncles and my aunts. Teno means a lot to me. It takes me back to my childhood, to the days where i had no worries and i was just happy. I love spending time with my family, they really mean a lot to me. It is my getaway place for when i'm really stressed and i just want to realx.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

A Photograph you like

This is my favorite photo, in this photo come my childhood Friends, they were with whom I joined in the Lyceum, you could say that they were my closest friends. This photo we took in the Lyceum when I was in fort or high school, on our last day of classes in the front yard of the Lyceum, this photo I think I take it Professor Gema who was our head teacher.

This photo I like very much because they come on those who really were whit me, those who supported me at every moment during the 6 years I was in high school and who never stopped supporting me and that's why today they are my best friends, I can also say that I have a photo with 2 of the 3 national score in mathematics that was in the Lyceum, it could have been 3 but that day wasn`t the other partner.

Another thing I like is that I go out playing the clown as usual.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is Handball, I have practiced this sport since eighth grade when I arrive at Liceo Nacional de Maipú and nowadays I practice it by the chemistry school, I train on Monday and Thursday at 10 AM until 1 PM plus the days TIFs are played on Saturdays, which are played against other faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine, Law, Beuchafe, among others.

Resultado de imagen para handballThis sport consists in trying to make goals in the opposing goal only using the hand, for this 7 players are played by sides, where each has a different position which are goalkeeper, ends, lateral and central, this last position It's where I play. This sport has a lot of rules but the most common are: do not step on the area of the goalkeeper also called 6 meters, another rule is that the boat has to be continuous and if it is not charged and removed the other team and for Finally, only 3 steps can be taken without dribbling.

I love this sport because it is an activity that helps to trust in your partner,  in addition I know people who are good people who are currently my best friends and finally this sport has given me the opportunity to know different parts of the country, including Thanks to this sport I was able to travel abroad to Argentina.


lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favorite Piece of Technology

really like to use technology on a daily basis, but the technological tool I use most is cell phone, but sometimes this is not right because I spend a lot of time and lose productive time on it.

Resultado de imagen para iphone 6sThe cell phone is a fundamental part for me since it is a means of communication and also a tool of work, my first cell phone gave to me to 14 years for a Christmas gift, That cell phone was my first technological device and that’s why I use it the most.

I use cell phones in many ways, for example as a means of communication for example with calls, I also use them for studies, I see guides, I watched YouTube videos explaining the subject I was studying and finally what I use most is to relax, for this I watch social networks, YouTube, Netflix and many other things.

I use my cell phone very often because I spend most of the day studying or reviewing my social networks, one of the reasons I like my cell phone is because it is an object that can help me to do multiple functions, like studying or distraction.

My life without the cell phone would be boring and more complicated since this object helps me to study and be able to converse with people I don’t see every day.

W hat I would like to do in my specialty would be Maxillofacial surgery, it is one of the specialties that most attracts my attention, the...