lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

A Carrer-Related Website or An Expert in Your Field

This website is called Scielo, it is responsible for providing scientific papers for all people interested in them, because it is an open page to everyone that wants to access information. Apart from this, the site is in Spanish and it is useful for people that do not know much about English or the other languages.

I visit this website  frequently since lately I am working on a research project for Biological Bases (ABP), which deals with cystic fibrosis. This website facilities the search for information and  there is too much information on the internet, but not all from reliable sources.  On the other hand, in Scielo, I only search for the 
subject and a lot of papers and reliable sources appear.  One of the things I like about this page is that apart from being a reliable source, it covers almost all the topic you want to look for. I have recommended this site  to many people and not only of the university, but family as well.


1 comentario:

  1. Nice peter! I also use Scielo too. It´s an interesting page to find scientific paper :D


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