lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject You Enjoyed Studying This Semester

My favourite subject so far is physics. This course is basically an introduction to second term physics, which is more related to dentistry. This semester we've studied different physical concepts, such as force, electricity and movement. I really like this course because it’s easier than other subjects, since my last two years in high school i was in an all-physics course.  My study plan for this course consists in recording the lesson while i take important notes, then; at home I listen the recordings and do the exercises assigned by the teacher. Luckily, i am not failing this course. My marks have been really good this semester: i've had marks over 5.5, which is really great because i don't have to take a final exam. Hopefully, i will keep achieving good marks until the end of the semester.
Resultado de imagen para physicsIt’s very interesting how much physics is related to dentistry: it can help us measure the force
 We apply to teeth, which avoid possible damage we could cause, the electric charges that we may use in different treatments, and so on.

1 comentario:

  1. I'm not very good in that subject, but I try. It's weird to find people who like it. It's good that you like it :)


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