lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place in Chile


My favourite place is located in Chile, specifically in Rancagua. This place is called Teno. My grandma lives there and its the place where i lived for the first five years of my life.

Nowadays i visit this place evry month, but lately, at has been hard for me to go since i started college and i have a lot of tasks and tests. However, every time i go horse riding and i take my bike up to the hill. I recently turned 18, and i went partying with my cousins. We visited Curicó, another city, located just 10 minutes away from Teno. I visit Teno with my family, consisting of  my father, my mother and my sister.. Most of the time, i go to Teno for Festive Holidays, often for New Years eve. It's a very special gathering because my whole family reunites, that includes my cousins, my uncles and my aunts. Teno means a lot to me. It takes me back to my childhood, to the days where i had no worries and i was just happy. I love spending time with my family, they really mean a lot to me. It is my getaway place for when i'm really stressed and i just want to realx.

1 comentario:

  1. I did not like Rancagua very much when I went But it is good that you relax that place


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