lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is Handball, I have practiced this sport since eighth grade when I arrive at Liceo Nacional de Maipú and nowadays I practice it by the chemistry school, I train on Monday and Thursday at 10 AM until 1 PM plus the days TIFs are played on Saturdays, which are played against other faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine, Law, Beuchafe, among others.

Resultado de imagen para handballThis sport consists in trying to make goals in the opposing goal only using the hand, for this 7 players are played by sides, where each has a different position which are goalkeeper, ends, lateral and central, this last position It's where I play. This sport has a lot of rules but the most common are: do not step on the area of the goalkeeper also called 6 meters, another rule is that the boat has to be continuous and if it is not charged and removed the other team and for Finally, only 3 steps can be taken without dribbling.

I love this sport because it is an activity that helps to trust in your partner,  in addition I know people who are good people who are currently my best friends and finally this sport has given me the opportunity to know different parts of the country, including Thanks to this sport I was able to travel abroad to Argentina.


1 comentario:

  1. I love handball. It's great than you do something that you like, and thank of this you can travel to other places.


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