lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Evaluation of Your Blogging Experience

Hello everyone, in my opinion it was difficult at the beginning since I did not have a great vocabulary of English but in general I liked it a lot because it helped me to remember things I had forgotten, such as my favorite picture or because I went to study dentistry and not an engineer. In aspect and more academic this type of activity helped me a lot to expand my vocabulary since it constantly makes me look for words that I had no idea how to write, apart it made me want to expand my vocabulary which I was not important to me and all that helped me to improve my skills to write and write in English.  I would like to write in the future about more topics that one wants to choose but related to the career. What I would have liked to write about the experiences that have happened in the career not only in the academic field but also in the sports field since I participate in handball in the faculty of chemistry and I have spent Anecdotes that I would have liked to have in blogs. :) 

Resultado de imagen para blog

W hat I would like to do in my specialty would be Maxillofacial surgery, it is one of the specialties that most attracts my attention, the...